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Terms of Service

All payments will be done over Paypal for now.

The process will work like this:

  1. You describe what you want, we discuss which commission type it is and I confirm if I can start on it.

  2. I confirm I started on the commission.

  3. I send a rough draft/sketch to you.

  4. Please make sure to send all bigger corrections during this stage. Don't like the pose, hair, face, other detail? Feel free to vocalize it during this stage and I'll do as many revisions as you need until you like it.

  5. You send the full payment for the commission.

  6. I finish the commission.

  7. I send you the finished work.

  8. If you have anything you wanted corrected, I will do minor corrections on stuff that may have popped up during coloring, etc. I.e. if I accidentally made your character's color scheme wrong, please feel free to say so! Don't feel intimated to ask anything to be fixed, if I am unable to correct what you're asking I will just tell you, so no worries.
    However, I will not do major corrections at this stage. Please do not ask me to fix the pose or anything that should have been fixed during the sketching phase.

I maintain all rights to decline work based on my own personal beliefs and preferences without justifying why. I very rarely decline commissions, but there are some subject matters and motifs I would not personally be comfortable drawing.

Things I have experience in:

  • Designing characters

  • Drawing superdeformed (chibi) characters

  • Doing art in style of others (i.e. doing cover art that looks like the original MV's art)

  • Drawing human figures

    • Male, female. Kids might get varied results.

    • I can also do NSFW, but I have some extra rules for this. Please DM me for info.

Things I have little to no experience in:

  • Designing furries

  • Drawing animals

  • Drawing mecha

  • Drawing armor (although I am willing to give it a try)

Please do not rush my work. I will try to finish works in timely manners, but sometimes school or other things come up and end up taking some time. Please expect at least a month's wait time depending on how detailed or big the piece is. If you have a time frame you need it done by, please discuss it with me and I'll see what we can figure out!

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